Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Ephemera, Part Two

Fifteen or twenty years ago, Mom hand-wrote all of Dad’s poetry (but WHERE are the originals, hmmm?) and had them printed and bound into simple books at Kinko’s. I think she said it cost her $1 per copy, and there were only enough copies for her and each of us five kids.

I’ll never forget that Christmas, for I could not have received a gift I loved more. I may share more of my father’s poems as time goes by, but here is the letter to Hallmark Cards (a Kansas City-based company, of course) that Mom wrote when she and Dad were engaged, in 1950. Mom was only twenty years old at the time.

I love it because it so clearly demonstrates the confidence she felt in this scrappy immigrant’s talents, in his future, in his potential. By the way, for those wannabe-published readers who wonder how long it takes to hear back on your writing submissions? Judging by the date on this letter, um, 61 years and counting!

                                Highland View Farm
                                Grandview, Missouri
                                June 19, 1950

Hall Bros., Inc.
2505 Grand
Kansas City, Missouri


    In answer to your ad in Sunday’s paper for a verse writer, I would like to submit the enclosed poems written by a friend of mine. As you will see, these poems are written for special days such as birthdays, valentine day and Mother’s Day—-themes which are suitable for greeting cards.

    My friend is a young Scotsman 28 years of age. He has a good character and education and studied poetry for recreation while in the Scotch regiment of the British army. He is very interested in getting a connection for selling his poems and has a real talent for writing for any occasion, both humorous and sentimental. He can write a poem quickly after getting an inspiration for a certain occasion.

    I have great faith in his talent and would consider it a great favor if you would interview him concerning this. May I hear from you soon?

                              Yours truly,

                              (Miss) Mary Pattengale
                                      Highland View Farm
                                      Grandview, Missouri

Posted by Katy on 03/30/11 at 12:41 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. katy, i love it! i think you should write to hallmark :)
    Posted by Sue Haley  on  03/30/11  at  01:25 PM
  2. I agree Katy, write Hallmark, that would be a good story.
    & how loving was your Mother's letter, she loved her man. ♥
    Posted by Denise Moyer  on  03/30/11  at  03:52 PM
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