Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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The Love Chapter

"Love never fails."
I Corinthians 13:8

Men who speak--or better yet, sing--with the tongues of angels don't impress me much. At least not until I get to know them, get to know whether or not they're the real deal. I'm cautious, I guess.

My husband has the most beautiful, sincere, sexy voice I've ever heard, and at first, I didn't trust him, either. I'll bet he smooth-talks all the girls, I thought. I'd played victim to more than a few romantic con artists before Doug's silky words slid into my soul. How did I know whether there was genuine love behind his kind and gentle words? How did I even know what real love would look like, in the flesh?

All I can tell you is, I know now.

He turned out to be exceptionally wise, my man. He has an unbelievable sense of God's timing--when he says he thinks the time is right for us to move on or to stay put, I tend to listen because he's usually right. He's sensitive to the whisperings of the Spirit, which is wonderful, but if he heard God speak in an audible voice and shared the truth of the message with me minus the love, what good would it do?

All I can tell you is, he gives me love.

Sometimes, I'm the most emotionally impoverished woman he knows, the woman others might recoil from in the hopes of finding someone a little less needy to minister to. I'm afraid messing with me can be like surrendering his body to the flames, only no one is there to witness his goodhearted sacrifice but me. He could find a higher-profile charity case who would make his ministry look a lot more successful in the community, but he's chosen me instead.

All I can tell you is, he's changed my life.

You've probably heard by now that love is patient and kind, not jealous, proud, or rude. You've probably heard that love doesn't get angry easily, and that love doesn't keep track of all the ways you offend it--even if you do it on purpose. If you're like me, you've said yeah, yeah, so prove it already. If you're like me, you figured you'd never meet Love this side of heaven--at least not face-to-face.

All I can tell you is, I've been blessed.

You see, I've met more than my share of love in my time on this earth. First I met the Love of all Loves, the One who never fails, Jesus the Savior. And then I met my husband, my Valentine, the one who makes it his ambition to protect, trust, and believe in the love God has placed in my heart. I'll never forget what Doug said the day we joined our lives as one. "I want to spend the rest of my life showing you how much God loves you."

All I can tell you is, he has the voice of an angel.
Posted by Katy on 02/13/05 at 06:21 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. This sincere post will get lots of sincere comments in return of the excellent writing in it. I also think it needs a good old dose of...


    :) But maybe that's the college student in me!
    Posted by Kevin  on  02/14/05  at  01:33 PM
  2. Wow, Katy... Wow.
    Posted by timsamoff  on  02/14/05  at  06:42 PM
  3. Don't know your e-mail, so here is another quote for you that I thought was somewhat relevant to today...

    "Love isn't a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like "struggle." To love
    someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here
    and now--and to go on caring even through times that may bring us pain. "

    -Mr. Rogers

    Not sure of the validity that it is an actual Mr. Rogers quote, but there you go anyways!
    Posted by Kevin  on  02/15/05  at  12:21 AM
  4. Beautiful.
    Posted by lisa  on  02/15/05  at  01:25 AM
  5. You girls say all those pretty words about us, but we know.... we're the blessed ones!
    Posted by Glimpse's guy  on  02/16/05  at  10:24 PM
  6. Better than a Valentine card for sure.
    Posted by Candace Pfau  on  02/20/05  at  07:16 PM
  7. Page 1 of 1 pages
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