Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Seeing Things

imageThis morning’s snow is heavy, the weight of it breaking and bending strong limbs in a resigned bow to Mother Earth. The flakes are wet with too much moisture as they fall upon a narrow branch, overshadowing its color and texture until it appears a mere fragment of its vibrant self.

I gasp for breath as my mother’s airway constricts again before my eyes, the fragile passage filling with the ravages of suffocation, the cold tubing inserted into her throat now a snow-curved twig. She gags in her coma, and flinches, until I finally have no choice but to beg for the blizzard of medical intervention to forever stop.

Days later, the next snowfall is unfurled upon the fallow soil of our souls. In the church, my siblings and I spread a snowy blanket upon the frigid ground of her closed casket, and I place a crucifix atop the whitened surface. Jesus in His agony seems to sink through snow, as we are all buried with Him, rebaptized with Him into His death.

More snows may come, I know. But they will melt faster now, and I will not hold my breath for nearly as long in the days ahead. Even now, as I gaze out my window on the wonders beyond, snow slides from a languishing limb.

With something like a sigh of relief, it recovers from its near collapse and reaches once more for the grey, leaden sky, with its unspoken promise of Spring.

Posted by Katy on 03/14/11 at 01:06 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Wow, this is a very powerful and interesting poem. I don't think that I've ever seen writing with this unique style but I really enjoyed it! Thank you.
    Posted by Adam B  on  03/16/11  at  02:23 AM
  2. recently i have started seeing weird thing, and hearing weird things. like, people in my room, and i hear them whisper. sometimes when im in a room the lights flicker, but no one notices but me. once all the walls appeared to be closing in. i am 14, and this hasnt happened before, it just started 2 weeks ago, but i am still getting really freaked out. what should i do?
    Posted by Toronto Gazebo  on  08/01/11  at  09:39 AM
  3. loved this poem, its quite dark in many ways but it was a thoroughly enjoyable read nonetheless
    Posted by Tony Hodgkins  on  08/20/11  at  10:28 PM
  4. The poem is so touching and full of thought.
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    Posted by Pacquiao vs Marquez  on  08/24/11  at  11:20 AM
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