Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Where Have All The Years Gone

Mom died 5 months ago today, and while I don’t typically navigate the 7th of the month without unbridled emotion, today I’ve skated through. In fact, I decided to pay my respects to Mom by posting a love poem Dad wrote for her on the occasion of their 28th wedding anniversary, in 1978. They only had 33 years together before his far-too-early death, and among my most favorite possessions are the letters and poems he dedicated to her.

“Where have all the years gone, have they merely flown away,
But oh what joy they’ve left behind to fill each passing day.
Where have all the tears gone, for oft-times they were shed,
Some in sorrow, most in joy, like on the day we wed.
Where has all our love gone, sure it’s very plain to see
That I love you more than ever and I know that you love me.

Where have all the years gone, each one of twenty-eight,
Each a priceless cultured pearl on that elusive string of fate.
Where has all our trust gone, from the housetops you can shout
My trust has grown still greater, of that there is no doubt.
For some the past is all but forgotten but love’s a wonderful thing,
It makes those years fond memories, and for us the angels sing.”

I know, Mom and Dad, that the songs of the angels must sound even sweeter when you’re in God’s eternal presence. All my love to both of you, forever.

Posted by Katy on 08/06/11 at 09:15 PM
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