Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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A VERY Frugal January!

So, here it is, Christmas Eve, and I’m already making New Month’s Resolutions.

I guess I’m early this year because our kids and grandkids have come and gone, at least as far as our big Christmas celebration goes. I’ve got the laundry done, clean sheets on all the beds, the house tidied up, the end-of-year finances tallied, and—-this is a big one for me—-the leftovers in the fridge dealt with.

Typically, after eating ourselves into a funk for a few days running, I can’t bring myself to even open the refrigerator for upwards of two weeks after the holidays. And by then, you can imagine what it looks like in there. I may not have asked for or received fur in a classy box under the tree, but sure enough, it grows in the fridge for free. And I always feel terrible to think I didn’t manage those leftovers better and ended up wasting perfectly yummy food.

Today, I attacked the leftover beast head-on and I think I conquered it. I packaged up and froze turkey (in small containers), dressing, pistachio salad, broccoli-rice casserole, cheesecake, and appetizers. And then I took my resolve not to waste food a step further. I decided not to purchase any groceries for the month of January, except for milk, eggs, and bread, and to focus exclusively on eating what’s already in this house. There are only two of us here, for heaven’s sake. The huge tin of popcorn we received as a gift is alone enough to sustain us, if need be!

In addition to putting the kabosh on grocery purchases, why not take it another step? I have a few Groupons that must be used before their expirations dates, but other than spending those, we have NO need to enter a restaurant or make any online purchases at all. Even the wonderful gift cards we received this Christmas can wait to be spent—-I bet we’ll enjoy them a lot more in February after taking a consumption break during January.

Honestly, about the only thing I can imagine wanting during the first month of 2011 is a few more prints of my two new grandbabies, Silas and Juniper, to add to my Grandma’s Brag Books. For a few cents each, I may splurge on those.

All those after-Christmas clearance sales will have to get along without me this year, and I’m sure they’ll manage just fine. Enough really is as good as a feast!

Posted by Katy on 12/24/10 at 05:42 PM
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