Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Eau de Sugar-Free Jello

Honestly, O fallible ones. Does the battle of the bulge ever end?

I’ve been completely sugar-free since February of 2000. That’s a LONG time to go without cookies and candy and cake, oh my. A LONG TIME.

But I am used to it, and committed for life. Diabetes has and is taking its toll on several members of my family, and I refuse to go there. By the way, a recent news item absolutely cracked me up. Studies have now shown that if those patients identified as “pre-diabetic” would change their diets and exercise, they could prevent full-blown diabetes from setting in.

This is not rocket science! Type-2 diabetes is PREVENTABLE. And even, in its early stages, largely reversible! It is NOT a forgone conclusion that you are somehow destined to “get” it just because your mom, dad, and younger sister have it. Since this is one of the things I can actually control, I choose to! Every single day of the rest of my life.

But maintaining that tremendous weightloss I achieved beginning in 2000 is so tenuous as to be hilarious.

I’ve kept 50 pounds off, no problem. But the other 18? Let’s just say they come and go.

Currently, my weight is once again tracking downward. How do I know this? I weigh myself approximately every 17 minutes. Yes, you read that right. Here are the occasions that might trigger another step onto the scale:

1. general nakedness, but particularly upon waking, before coffee, and after peeing.

2. after any subsequent trip to the bathroom.

3. after a haircut.

4. after blowing my nose.

5. after filing my fingernails.

6. after removing my diamond earrings for cleaning.

7. after shaving my legs.

8. after having my blood drawn.

9. after sweating.

10. after plucking my eyebrows.

11. after removing my moisturizer.

12. after a button falls off my shirt.

13. after rubbing sleep out of my eyes.

14. after cutting loose threads from my shorts.

15. after losing an eyelash.

16. after using a toothpick.

17. after a filling falls out.

18. after scratching off a scab.

19. after shedding a tear.

20. after popping a zit.

So, here’s my formula for success for optimum weight management and diabetes avoidance: Don’t eat the white stuff (sugar, white flour, rice, potato, and pasta) and make sure your scale is calibrated within 1/64th of a pound.

Oh, and keep your fingernails nice and short.


Posted by Katy on 08/19/08 at 08:22 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Katy

    You are seriously hilarious. I love your list. And I envy your fortitude. I can't even go 17 minutes without some of the white stuff or the brown stuff (chocolate, of course) so you have my complete admiration. I personally don't use mirrors. They lie. And yes clothes hanging in the closet shrink. I am doomed to the fate of fatter than I want to be. I have NO strength of will in this area just now. HELP!!
    Posted by Sandi Thompson  on  08/19/08  at  01:57 PM
  2. Hilarious, Katy! I'm addicted to scale-stepping too. Not sure why, especially when half the time the numbers a) didn't change or b) increased by half a pound since last month. Lately I've been avoiding the bathroom scale, though, since I suspect largely (pun intended) that the next time I step, I'll be half a pound heavier.

    Back to eating oatmeal for breakfast...
    Posted by Gracie  on  08/19/08  at  07:33 PM
  3. I'm beyond impressed...you've been away from sugar, LOST 50 POUNDS, writing and editing and blogging, oh my dear---I'm humbled!

    I think I'm probably one of the few women alive whoa ctually gained weight the day after giving birth to twins....
    Posted by Christa Allan  on  08/19/08  at  10:07 PM
  4. Um, make that "who actually"---
    Posted by Christa Allan  on  08/19/08  at  10:08 PM
  5. LOL. Sounds a lot like my scale habits. If you want to kick it up a notch, get a scale that weighs your fat percentage too.

    I'm very impressed about the totally sugar free. I'm not that stringent, but I've been working towards making my diet more like my diabetic dad's. I'm actually hoping to be able to enjoy the cookies for longer in my life by being careful most of the time.

    One thing I'm not doing that he did at my age is 70+ ounces of non-diet soda a day.
    Posted by Ami Chopine  on  08/31/08  at  07:31 PM
  6. Sandi--I am not very admirable, trust me. Sometimes, I get ahold of some whole wheat crackers like Triscuits and won't let go. I have gained back serious weight over those puppies!! I am doing this for my health. Too many diabetics, I tell you! BTW, it's not easy to do in Ireland. Except for breakfast. The "full Irish" holds me for most of the day!

    Gracie--I NEVER weigh when I "suspect" I'm gaining. And EVERY SINGLE time I've suspected, I was RIGHT. Ha!

    Christa--You are not alone on the baby thing!! My last kid weighed 7.5 pounds. When I weighed one day after having him, I'd lost 8!!! Isn't that impossible???? Also, a few years ago I was in the hospital on IV fluids for 5 days. NOTHING BY MOUTH. In 5 days, I gained FIVE POUNDS. That's just not right!!

    Ami--Those scales you're talkin' about scare me!! I think your strategy of being careful so that you can have small enjoyments for longer is an excellent one. It won't work for me, though. I am not temperate in nature. All or nothing, baby!!! I knew a lady who lived to be 100 who ate one piece of Russell Stover's chocolate per day. That's all she wanted. I would eat the whole box. I WISH I could be like you!!!
    Posted by Katy  on  09/02/08  at  08:07 AM
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