Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Fluppy Love

My post on stuff we sleep with generated some great responses, making me think about the whole "adults in bed with stuffed animals" phenomenon.

I slept with dolls when I was a kid, but I was never attracted to stuffed animals in any profound way. I don't even remember purchasing more than a few for my own kids over the years (although they received nigh unto a gazillion from friends and relatives).

But something snapped in me on September 11. Of course, for the first week or so, I--like so many Americans--couldn't imagine plunking down a buck for frivilous non-essentials ever again.

That's why I still can't explain the feeling of passing an aisle in Osco Drug Store and having the display of floppy dogs bark my name. You know the ones: So lightly stuffed that they "flop." (Scotty had one when he was little that he called "Fluppy Dog." Fluppy sounds even floppier than Floppy, don't you think? Words like "Fluppy" were early indicators that Scott would become a linguist, but I digress...)

I marched straight to the fluppies, and purchased one for each of my kids (by then, nearly grown) and one for me and Doug to share. I don't know what the kids thought when I presented them with their doggies the next time we saw them. I remember hugging them tightly and making a little speech about 9/11 and comfort fluppies. "OK, Mom," they said, and they looked at me awfully funny, but I couldn't help myself.

As for me and my husband, we slept with our fluppy for months. Now that I think back, Doug didn't protest even once.

Now, Fluppy Dog is draped over my desk chair, hanging by his two front legs, looking like he wishes we needed him more than we seem to. And who knows? Maybe we do.

Do you have, or have you ever had, an irrational attachment to a stuffed animal? Discuss.
Posted by Katy on 11/09/04 at 08:57 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. on our wedding day, my husband gave me a cute little stuffed goose...because its name is lucy and he often calls me lucy goosey..so it was rather fitting. lucy goosey usually ends up in bed w/ us. i wouldn't say it's an irrational attachment but rather always a sweet little reminder of the day we were married! also, lucy has travelled w/ me to california and a church retreat for the few times my husband and i have been apart since getting married.
    Posted by madi  on  11/09/04  at  06:28 PM
  2. my lucy was just given a lucy goose for halloween...as far as irrational stuffed animal attachments, the only one i can think of that i posess is the one where one of my kids has napped or had a book time in my bed and left behind a favorite 'friend'..i will likely sleep with it that night instead of returning it to it's rightful owner, who doesn't need a reminder of their own sweet smell quite like i do...

    (and well HELLO! madi!)

    Posted by lisa  on  11/09/04  at  08:11 PM
  3. I had a gigantic purple stuffed unicorn and I thought it granted my wishes. I thought it cured me of my hiccups. But it didn't grant my wish for Brendan Fraser to fall madly in love with me.
    Posted by galadriel  on  11/09/04  at  08:33 PM
  4. Irrational? My elephant Scott? I don't think so. He does, however, go everywhere with me. In the last 16 years we have only spent about 5 nights apart. The damn thing has even been to Mexico. Irrational? Nah.
    Posted by Lydia  on  11/10/04  at  01:32 AM
  5. Madi--Hi, there, girl! I like your hubby very much...

    Lisa--Ooooh, that baby/toddler/little kid smell. Can't get enough of it.

    Gal--I love it that you popped in here! I'm glad the purple unicorn didn't grant you your adolescent pick of men. I'm all about Luke...

    Lydia--You are right. Irrational was an irrational choice of words. I meant, of course, "endearing" or "quirky" or "childlike." I would like to meet Scott the Elephant.
    Posted by Katy Raymond  on  11/10/04  at  02:04 PM
  6. Katy you can find a picture of him on my Flikr account. There is a link for it on my website. He's the greatest elephant ever.
    Posted by Lydia  on  11/10/04  at  02:55 PM
  7. Katy, I'm glad too. Luke is much better. I'm sure if I had known him when I was younger I would have pined away for him instead.
    Posted by galadriel  on  11/10/04  at  04:07 PM
  8. Well, there's Froggy, which has been with me since I was about five (I am 40 now). My son has him and my wife's childhood stuffed tiger. I believe the attachment has been passed on. Will Froggy last though.

    Also, I have my pillow which I take wherever I go, even to India. How's that for devotion!!!
    Posted by Shawn  on  11/10/04  at  09:39 PM
  9. Tubby the Teddy has been around since the first Christmas that Jim and I were together. He used to sleep with us (and then with me when Jim worked the graveyard shift and I needed a cuddle partner). Now he resides on top of my dresser and watches over us as we sleep together!
    Posted by Bridget  on  11/11/04  at  10:03 PM
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