Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
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“Lose Two Hundred Pounds This Weekend!”

Now there's a book title that reaches out and grabs you! And to think I didn't even find it in the diet section at Barnes and Noble. I had decided to peek into the dreaded shelf of housekeeping/organization/clutter disposal books, and this one by Don Aslett is what I came up with.

I occasionally buy a book for its title. I don't even look inside. I just enjoy the title so much, I figure it alone is worth the money. I felt that way about Marc McCutcheon's Damn! Why Didn't I Write That? Is that a great title, or what?

Lose Two Hundred Pounds This Weekend struck me the same way. But when I got it home, and started catching the author's vision, I realized how deadly serious he is.

Aslett believes that nearly all of us are suffering from too much stuff. And that it weighs us down in every way: financially, emotionally, professionally, spiritually, creatively. His advice is to set aside this weekend to lose at least 200 lbs. of stuff we'll never need, use, want, or care about again. Then next weekend, do it again. Do it until you've lightened your earthly load by a ton, or two tons, or three.

Think you don't have that much worthless junk? I know I do.

The challenge before me is a spiritual one. I'm asking myself how Doug and I would respond if we had an opportunity to live in another country for a year, or go on an extended missions trip, or even open up our home to someone in need.

Right now, we'd have to say, "Sorry, Lord, no can do. There's no room in the inn, if You know what we mean. Maybe next time..."

My junk has become an enormous weight, one I'm no longer willing or able to bear. In the past three days, I've accumulated at least 300 pounds of clutter that's on its way out, and I've only just begun.

Don Aslett says that physical weight loss is often an unexpected side benefit of ridding your life of clutter, since much eating is related to frustration, distraction, and the need to comfort ourselves.

I think he's on to something, and as simple as this book is, I'm glad I bought it. I'll keep you updated on my progress!
Posted by Katy on 09/17/04 at 11:05 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. I'm intrigued ... think I'll check the book out. Could the weight loss possibly be from heaving 200+ lbs. of stuff from the attic/basement out to the curb/car?
    Posted by Anne  on  09/19/04  at  12:25 AM
  2. Anne, Yeah. That's definitely one way to lose weight! But he also maintains (tee, hee) that the same out=of-control feelings that we have when we have too much stuff clinging to us, cause us to overeat and hang onto unwanted weight. He claims many of his readers have written to say that once they cleared out the clutter, their whole lives became more disciplined.

    Hey, we got rid of about 200 lbs of books today (donated them to the library) and organized the whole basement into keep/trash/give away/sell! And the books are just one thing--I've cleared a bunch of unused clothing out of the closets and will give it away as soon as I make a record of everything for tax purposes. I probably have at least 75 pounds of clothes/shoes to give away.

    Doug has caught the vision, too, so we worked together all day. We even got Kevin in on the act. He got a lot done in his room. If we can keep up the momentum, we'll be able to beat uninhibited accumulation once and for all!

    Try it, I bet you'll like it!
    Posted by Katy  on  09/19/04  at  02:56 AM
  3. Sounds like a "Do It Yourself" book for TLC's show Clean Sweep. Back home my Mom would force me to go through my clothes and get rid of all the stuff that didn't fit or I didn't want anymore. After seeing Clean Sweep (some of the rooms in these houses are.. horrific piles of junk), I did the same thing and we took more than $700 worth of tax donations to Goodwill.

    Good stuff!
    Posted by Kevin  on  09/19/04  at  09:35 PM
  4. i think about the fact that we have way too much stuff on a daily basis...maybe when i get back from nashville i will just do something about it! btw, i did motivate chad to go through his clothes and haul to the thrift store two big boxes. small victories, onestep at a time...
    Posted by lisa  on  09/22/04  at  06:59 PM
  5. Good idea. I like Don Aslett's products, and it makes sense to simplify and lose all the mental weight and the stress from maintaining all the extras. How much time do I waste a day looking for a piece of paper with a web address or phone number on it? Count me in on the 'diet.'

    Posted by Donna  on  09/23/04  at  05:19 AM
  6. Kevin, yes! Very much like a book version of Clean Sweep, only I think this guy got there first. Now I'm addicted to Clean Sweep! Which is OK, because by the time it comes on at five in the evening, I'm pretty pooped from all my own clean sweeping, and need a break...

    Lisa, Small steps in the right direction can not be discounted! A favorite Scripture, "Do not despise the day of small beginnings."

    Donna, I'd heard of Aslett forever, but thought I didn't need him. I was wrong! He has provided much needed inspiration. We've made great progress so far. Hope you are, too!
    Posted by Katy  on  09/24/04  at  03:01 PM
  7. great quote, katy...especially when in my day and age of keeping up with three kiddos preschooler-to-nine year old, very small steps to clutterlessness (often one forward and three back) are all i can accomplish!

    Posted by lisa  on  10/01/04  at  07:48 PM
  8. My wife has just given birth a child two months ago. She has gained almost 50 Kg during her pregnancy. One of her friend suggested her weight losing pills. Are such kind of pills effective and safe for her ?
    Posted by Chess Openings  on  01/01/09  at  03:54 AM
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