Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Losing It

Far be it from me to brag, but boasting’s okay, right?

I’m here to tell you that I am the proud loser of 8.5 pounds, in about as many weeks. Now, that may not sound like much to you, especially if you watch The Biggest Loser and see people routinely drop 10 pounds PER WEEK, and in the case of that one guy this week, 15 pounds!

I’m not the biggest loser, and I’m certainly not the fastest. But I may one day win a prize for being the one who most often gains and then loses the very same pounds. It’s like when a certain bulge starts to lessen and then disappear, I remember the last time (and the time before that…) when I felt this exact sensation of it meeting its demise.

That’s the thing, though. Fat cells never die. They fill, they empty, but they stay right where they’ve always been, waiting for the next go ‘round.

Right now, I weigh 44 pounds less than I did 10 years ago, so that’s in my favor. I’ve kept off a lot of weight, permanently, since I began losing in February of 2000. But I do have periods when the pounds creep back on, and then I have to get a grip and dedicate myself to the process all over again.

The most successful thing I’ve EVER done in this lifelong battle is to completely eliminate sugar from my diet once and for all. It’s been nearly 10 years, and I can’t go back for the rest of my life. My family is replete with diabetics and the health risks are too high for my blood, even though the gambling gene is clearly in my DNA.

So I soldier on, fighting the Battle of the Bulge with all the fortitude I can muster. It’s not about vanity for me. It’s about making this body last for as long as God intends and not inflicting unnecessary disability and illness on myself, my husband, and my loved ones.

Any personal battles you’re winning these days? Feel free (and proud!) to boast about them here!

Posted by Katy on 10/22/09 at 07:24 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Hey Katy! Great job! I confess I'm one of those people who never had to watch my weight--until recently. And then I had no idea how to get those extra pounds off. But I'm finally figuring out what works for me and I'm so happy to report that I've lost 6 pounds since mid August. No, not as fast you! (I wish!) but it's something. Now if I could just manage those 4 more.
    Posted by D'Ann Mateer  on  10/24/09  at  09:09 AM
  2. Hi Katy. Well, I have just won a battle with a small cancer of the tonsil's. And I would like to warn everyone with small children that cancer of the tonsils is increasing in chldren and they do not know why? So doctors warn parents to only let kids use blue tooth. I used to plaster that cell phone to my ear on the side where the cancer developed. I did not fit the profile that they normally see, in that I never smoked nor drank alcohol. the only good thing was I lost a lot of weight. Went from 158 down to 104. Now back up to 117. At 5 ft 6 I need to weigh about 125. Have you heard anything good about LuLu for self Publishing. Its free and I want to put my poetry in book form for friends and family. Still love your blog. Still haven't finished my novel.
    Posted by Candace Pfau  on  10/24/09  at  02:46 PM
  3. D'Ann--You are so thin and beautiful! The secret (from what my thin sister tells me) is to never let yourself get out of a 5-lb range. If I'd followed her example (and yours!), I wouldn't currently have a yo-yo named after me. Just kidding!

    Candace---Oh my gosh! You've been through such an ordeal! I have never even heard of cancer of the tonsils. I am happy you seem to be having a good outcome, but that is some weightloss program. Eeeek. (The kind of brain tumor I had, called an acoustic neuroma, is also linked to cell phone use, but I've never used one more than a few minutes per month.)

    I have not used Lulu personally, but I have only heard good things about the company. Go for it!!!

    Antoinette--Good for you for keeping the sugar down to a low roar. I think that will make a huge difference in changing our family medical history for the better!
    Posted by Katy  on  10/30/09  at  04:20 PM
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