Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Today is my very first best friend's birthday. We were five years old when we laid eyes on each other, in Mrs. Pendergast's afternoon kindergarten class. Mary Beth was playing with the three-story doll house, which dwarfed her, and I was overwhelmed by her tinyness. I was a fragile girl myself, but being the oldest child in my family, I felt big. Mary Beth was the baby of five children, and looked and acted the part. We wore sturdy, navy blue, Catholic jumpers, starched white blouses, and impossibly cumbersome black-and-white saddle oxfords. Mary Beth's miniscule body was lost in these symbols of sameness, but her sparkling expression was anything but uniform. I thought she was delightfully different. Suddenly, this little living doll was tip-toeing toward me, happily interrupting my project involving a huge sheet of manilla paper and a virgin box of eight perfect crayons. And there, trailing around, behind and beside her left clod-hopper was a 24-inch long shoelace, which threatened to be her undoing. And then, she spoke. "Can you tie my shoe for me?" Could I? Interruptions like these were to become the essence of our childhood union. Best friends like Mary Beth are forever calling when you're doing your homework, or coming over when you're supposed to be washing the dishes. She'll want to exchange gifts when you're supposed to be at Christmas Eve Mass, and talk about boys while you're watching Ozzie and Harriet. When she's grown older and less self-absorbed, she begs you to dump your English pen-pal and start writing to her big brother Vinnie, who's in Vietnam, so he won't be lonely. A first best friend doesn't happen often, but she happens with an unmistakeable audacity. Happy 47th Birthday, Mary Beth! You can interrupt me anytime.
Posted by Katy on 12/07/00 at 10:29 AM
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