Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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I’ve realized, over the course of decades of New Year’s resolution making-and-breaking, that I’m actually more of a Lent kind of girl.

In order to get something—-ANYthing—-accomplished, it seems I have to put myself through the process of elimination. I have to give up stuff, cut back, sacrifice, weed, thin out, simplify.

For instance, and this may not sound like much of a resolution to you, but I am firmly resolved to SKIP the entire season of American Idol this year. It sounds more like something a person might give up for Lent, but then catch in re-runs later. But there’s a method to my madness, at least I think there is.

It’s the same method I try to use when I say, “I saved 75% on those jeans I found in the clearance aisle.” In fact, on December 31, before my January moratorium on shopping and spending went into effect, I found a $48 retail price pair of jeans at Kohl’s on clearance for $11. Then I used my 20% discount to get them down to $8.80. Yay for me, eh?

Except that I can’t truly say I saved any money unless I put money into my savings account. So, in my mind, this excellent shopping outcome is not complete until I send the $40 I “saved” to a very safe place—-far, far away from my capacity to grab it and spend it away. And it’s even better if that account is earmarked for a specific goal, so that I can tie my saving to a future achievement.

I’m trying to apply that same logic to the New Year. I am giving up some time-squandering stuff not because I’m the type of chick who likes less stuff, haha. But because I have unmet life goals that are worth pursuing and in need of LOTS of undivided attention if I’m ever going to accomplish them.

Would less time spent online help move me toward my goal of becoming a published book author? Only if I don’t take that saved time and immediately spend it shopping at Penney’s Outlet for all those end-of-season bargains!

My saved time, captured from a variety of sources including but not limited to ditching American Idol, must be put into an account I can draw from for a very specific purpose.

In my case, that purpose is to get back to some real, potentially publishable writing.

So yeah, I’m throwing some stuff overboard, but with the goal of saving from ruin that which is more important to my life.

My load is feeling lighter already.

Posted by Katy on 01/03/11 at 08:12 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. I am with you, Katy, but I never thought about it quite like that. I think you've changed my perspective on saving--both in time and money! Thank you!
    Posted by Anne Mateer  on  01/03/11  at  10:41 AM
  2. Often the public can also sell goods to such shops. In other cases, especially in the case of a nonprofit shops, the public donates goods to these shops, commonly known as thrift stores in the USA or charity shops in the UK. In give-away shops goods can be taken for free.
    Posted by handmade jewellery  on  01/12/11  at  02:06 AM
  3. You sound like me. I decided to cut back on my internet use because every months we go overboard. And otherwise i could spend more time doing things more important like spending time with my family and friends. So i wouldn't quite give up New Year's resolutions just yet!! :)
    Posted by Rentseeker  on  01/13/11  at  09:37 PM
  4. Everything must be conducted according to the existing law; from insignificant thing like walking on the street to very important thing like declaring a war. Moreover, the world that grows rapidly causes several changes. This is the result of the financial loss, new technology, and bad relationships.
    Posted by Criminal Lawyer Toronto  on  06/20/11  at  09:50 PM
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