Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

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Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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Can Robin Lee Hatcher Carry A Tune? I Don’t Know, But Her Writing Sings In “A Carol For Christmas”

I am honored to have a wonderful author as a guest on fallible today! Robin Lee Hatcher—still thin even with fifty novels under her belt—has written a beautiful holiday novella called “A Carol for Christmas.” We’ll be giving a copy to one blessed commenter, chosen randomly from among those of you who leave a comment on this post. It’s a lovely story, and short—fantastic for getting in “the mood.” Which leads me to my first question for Robin:

Q. I always have a bit of a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit “on demand.” Shopping doesn’t thrill me (although giving does), and decorations in public before Halloween even arrives? That just freaks me out. A good Christmas story, though, never fails to get me in the mood. I could read “A Christmas Carol” every year, and now I may add “A Carol for Christmas” to my short list. How will your story affect the hearts of readers who might be a little too humbuggy for their own good?

A. For so many, Christmas has become all about spending too much money and getting run too ragged. I would hope that A Carol for Christmas would remind readers that Christmas should be about love—loving others and being loved by God.

Q. There are quite a number of aspiring writers who read fallible. I think they’d be fascinated with a description of your office. Can you describe it for us, and tell us how it suits your writing habits and style? (If you’d like to share any pics, that would be great!)

A. I cannot believe I’m going to share these pictures! And they are of the neat, organized part of my office. I just couldn’t handle taking any photos of the worst parts.

I had my office designed about seven years ago with built-in cupboards, filing cabinets, and countertops. The photos are of just a small part of that countertop area that runs around three sides of the office. I have books and papers spread all over it.

The messier it is, the farther along I am in writing my book. When a deadline is met, I spend time trying to eliminate the paper blizzard and tidy up again before the next round of writing begins. Right now I’m doing line edits and am almost done with another book. In other words, the mess is driving me nuts.

I do just about all of my writing at my desktop computer. It’s setup to be ergonomically friendly. I do have a laptop and occasionally will do some writing on it, for a change of scenery. However, I do better in my office. I like to have my reference books and tools close at hand.

Q. I know your life hasn’t been free of trouble, and yet you’ve given appreciative audiences 50 novels. How do you manage to keep writing day after day when “real life” derails so many of us wannabes? If there’s a secret, bottle it, please!

A. In the early part of my career, I was a mom with a full time job. I learned to write with distractions, working on my books in the evenings and on weekends (Monday through Thursday from 7 to 9 pm and Saturday mornings until noon). After nine years of that routine, I quit my day job to write full time. That was almost seventeen years ago.

When trials come, I try to subscribe to the “write anyway” philosophy. Mostly, I’ve found that writing helps me work through the difficult times. I am in control of my fictional world, even when I’m in control of little else in my own world. However, sometimes “writing anyway” simply isn’t possible. Creativity takes a holiday. I’ve discovered I have to allow myself some grace when I’m overwhelmed or wearied by life. Fill up the well. Read something uplifting. Exercise. Cry. Pray. See a movie. Laugh. Play with Poppet (my Papillon). Then go back to work.

Another important lesson I’ve learned is that how I feel about my writing has little to do with its quality. Even if I feel I have nothing to offer and my work is junk, I push onward. Two of my best books were written during times of great stress. I thought the books were awful because of my feelings. But my editors loved them, and the books turned out to be honored with a number of awards and nominations.

Thanks, Robin, for taking the time to visit with us! Hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving with your family, and that each of our hearts will overfill with A Carol for Christmas.

Posted by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) on 11/16/06 at 08:20 AM
Fallible Comments...
  1. great interview! I especially appreciated the writing through your trials.
    Posted by Tess  on  11/16/06  at  11:34 AM
  2. Loved what you said about this book "putting you in the mood for Christmas." All my life, there's been something special about books and movies that center around Christmas -- Can't wait to add this one to my collection.
    Posted by Pam  on  11/16/06  at  12:09 PM
  3. P.S. Fantastic design on your blog! :)
    Posted by Pam  on  11/16/06  at  12:11 PM
  4. Katy,

    Thanks for exposing the seamy underbelly of Robin's office. Oh, the horror!

    Actually, hers stands as a rebuke against my sprawling mess, piles everywhere, with a couple renegade cashews tucked between my filing cabinets. My office resembles the kind in those news stories where they break into the missing hermit's house, only to find him/her buried under a pile of fifty-year-old newspapers.

    Thanks for the interview.
    Posted by DLE  on  11/16/06  at  01:05 PM
  5. Tess--Robin is an excellent example of someone who pushes through. And her novels speak to others because of her willingness to be vulnerable. Cool thing, that.

    Pam--Thanks! (My hubby is my designer, though in this case I did tell him EXACTLY what to do! ;) Yes, books and movies do it for me EVERY time--whereas the ever-earlier appearance of decorations and junklets in the stores does nothing but dampen my enthusiasm.

    Dan--I read your comment and headed straight for the cashews!!! Ha. My MIL will apparently be moving from the nursing home back into her assisted living apt this weekend. I'm shaking in my boots a bit, because while she was absent Doug and I got rid of all the fifty year old newspapers--and that was scratching the surface. You frighten me.
    Posted by Katy  on  11/16/06  at  01:31 PM
  6. Hi Katy,

    Good interview! And sounds like a great book for Christmas!
    Posted by Nancy Wood  on  11/16/06  at  03:52 PM
  7. Thanks for this inspiring interview. I already have the book, but I enjoyed sharing a cup of tea with you, Katy! :)

    You have such a fun blog!
    Posted by Heather  on  11/16/06  at  04:44 PM
  8. First off if that's a "Messy" office, then no one is ever even seeing my front yard, much less my desk.. I'm tempted to take a picture and blog about it...but I can't find my digital camera amid the debris.

    The line,"grace when I’m overwhelmed or wearied by life" is one I will take to heart, I don't think I do that enough.

    Michael 1 among others.
    Posted by Michael Main  on  11/17/06  at  01:50 PM
  9. DLE aka Dan--In a random drawing in which Doug chooses one of my name-assigned upraised fingers, you have been declared the winner of A Carol for Christmas! Congratulations, good sir!
    Posted by Katy  on  11/17/06  at  06:14 PM
  10. Wow. I come home from a prayer meeting and find out I won!

    Thanks, Katy and Robin.

    Have a great Thanksgiving.
    Posted by DLE  on  11/17/06  at  11:28 PM
  11. I know I'm too late to win, but I wanted to add a comment anyway. I love Robin's books, and her blog. Can't wait to read this one!
    Posted by Cindy Swanson  on  11/18/06  at  10:14 PM
  12. In what year did the first english christmas carol come into being?
    Posted by Data entry job  on  08/20/09  at  03:41 PM
  13. I’ve discovered I have to allow myself some grace when I’m overwhelmed or wearied by life. Fill up the well. Read something uplifting. Exercise.
    Posted by Procerin Reviews  on  11/20/09  at  03:21 AM
  14. I have very pleased to see the article.Its funny but more then useful.So thanks.
    Posted by dentists  on  03/07/10  at  07:24 AM
  15. Hi,
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    Posted by trabajar en casa  on  09/23/10  at  02:07 AM
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