Katy McKenna Raymond  
Personal blog of christian writer Katy McKenna Raymond in Kansas City, Missouri

Personal blog of christian
writer & fallible mom
Katy McKenna Raymond
in Kansas City, Missouri

Katy is represented by
Greg Johnson at
WordServe Literary

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We Have Not Because We Ask Not…

By the time Halloween rolls around, I'm pretty much gearing up for Christmas. Forgive me if it's a little early to be talking about it, but I'm in the spirit.

When I was a young bride and a new mother, I had no choice but to plan basically a whole year in advance. I doled out my dimes and quarters a few at a time, accumulating trinkets for the kids throughout the year, in hopes that there would be an impressive pile under the tree on Christmas morning.

These days, I don't start stockpiling gifts the day after Christmas, like I used to. Now we try to find out one big thing each of the kids really wants (and this year we have a new "kid," my son Scott's wife, Brooke!) and then fill in around that one item with a few smaller things.

So, all you kids out there, what do you want for Christmas? Each kid is allowed to name one big material item, no matter how ridiculously unreasonable. In addition, please name three non-material items you'd love to have. These can be global in nature (like "Whirled Peas"), relational (like "to become closer friends with my neighbors" or "to find my soul-mate") or character-driven (like "to have a better work ethic" or "to be kind to animals and small children").

I'm thinking if we dare to put these requests in writing, some of them might even come true before Christmas ever arrives...
Posted by Katy on 10/28/04 at 08:44 PM
Fallible Comments...
  1. Oh to be so organized - although I 'have' started shopping. A poet friend of mine puts together these hand-made journals with leather covers and poem bits on each page. I've ordered a bunch (yeah, I know, that's the little stuff).

    About the intangibles, what I want is in my blog entry from yesterday. (You think I could get it before Christmas? Please... oh please.... oh please!)

    Thanks for the nudge, Katy!

    Posted by violet  on  10/29/04  at  03:09 PM
  2. Violet--Hey, what a way to get us to read your blog! (Of course, it won't be my first visit...) The journals sound beautiful--I'd love to learn how to make those.

    OK, here's my wish list: I sure would love for a big gift to receive a trip to Ireland and Scotland. Non-material stuff? I'd like to become less of a control freak. I'd like my non-fiction writing to take on more of a focus so that I have something really solid to pitch to publishers. And I'd love to have wonderful lifelong friendships with my 3 adult children.
    Posted by katy  on  10/29/04  at  03:53 PM
  3. I want an organized life, a calm spirit (especially with my children), and to live my life in a way that people know I love and serve God---even if I am one of those hell-bound liberals.

    That's not too much to ask, is it? ;-)
    Posted by Allegra  on  10/29/04  at  04:58 PM
  4. First of all, Katy, I love your blog! I found it through Lisa Samson's page and have enjoyed reading all your back postings. My big thing would be a bigger house -- we have four kids and home school and our kids are rapidly outgrowing our house! My intangibles would be: self-discipline when it comes to food, perseverance when it comes to exercise, and patience when it comes to my kids!
    Posted by Carrie  on  10/29/04  at  10:14 PM
  5. Okay, for my material item I would like a MINI, or at least a car that has power steering and air-conditioning.

    As for the intangibles, I would like an increased level of patience and compassion and understanding of one another in all of our hearts. Everyone. I think that would make the world a much nicer place.
    Posted by Mary  on  10/31/04  at  06:15 PM
  6. My biggie would be...all my debt paid in full.

    The intangibles...improved health, an empathetic and reasonable jury in April, and growing relationships with my children.

    Is that too much to ask????
    Posted by Bridget  on  11/01/04  at  02:17 PM
  7. Allegra--I know many God-loving liberals, and I'm honored you're here. The heartfelt wishes of conservatives and liberals are often the same, don't you think? I like that about people.

    Carrie--Welcome! I'm so glad you found this spot in the bogosphere. Maybe the goofy stuff I write about here will make for entertaining coffee breaks during the school day. Our youngest of three will soon move out, and then we may be wishing for a smaller house! I remember those homeschooling days well--the stuff just takes over, doesn't it?

    Mary--I sat in a mini once, and I thought I was in heaven. They are the cutest, snuggest things! Compassion, ah yes. I hope after tomorrow that at least here in the US, people will be able to settle down again and not be so MAD all the time. Yikes! Election season is too darned long and miserable...

    Bridgie--Not too much to ask at all. Five years ago my health turned around, a blessing I had actually stopped asking for. Don't give up hope! The money stuff and the jury stuff will go your way, I'm thinking. Come up to the city and stay in my little B&B, baby sister. I'll take care of you....oh, and your kids are terrific and it's obvious they think the world of you.
    Posted by katy  on  11/01/04  at  08:16 PM
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